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STATIM 6000B G4+ Vacuum Autoclave

The Art of Sterilisation
The STATIM 6000B G4+ is a compact 6-litre autoclave with fractionated vacuum technology that is designed with flexible loading, shorter cycle times and enhanced digital capabilities. The drawer-style autoclave allows for easy, one-handed opening and reprocesses 2 cassettes or 12 pouches, delivering sterilised and dry wrapped instrument loads efficiently. 
  • Small Footprint but Great Performance - Delivers sterilised and dry wrapped instrument loads in as little as 27 minutes. Modern design offers flexibility in loading options. Reprocessing of 2 cassettes or 12 pouches offers enough capacity to meet the needs of any size practice.
  • Improved Automation and Workflow - Automatic user interface software updates for connected equipment ensure the unit is always up-to-date. Programmable features to schedule test cycles and preheat the chamber ensure the STATIM 6000B G4+ is warm and ready to go when the office opens.
  • Smart Features - Maintenance reminders, video tutorials and troubleshooting tips help to keep the STATIM 6000B G4+ in good working order. Enhanced documentation mode for detailed record keeping, including sterilisation indicator test results and instrument tracking.
  • Convenient Automated Filling and Draining Options - Integrated water quality sensor protects the unit from long-term damage from the use of unsuitable water. Low water indicator keeps the unit from starting a cycle if there is not enough water to complete it. The automatic drainage option to empty the reservoir at regular intervals helps reduce bio-film buildup.
  • G4+ Technology - Send cycle data to your smart devices, computer or patient management system for easy and efficient data storage. Online customer portal offers a user-friendly dashboard and gives access to historical cycle data, reports, manuals and much more.

Items (2)


Statim 6000B G4 EN13060


Statim 6000B UK BS1363

STATIM 6000B G4+ Vacuum Autoclave


Statim 6000B UK BS1363


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Flyer - STATIM 6000B G4+ Quick Reference Guide


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