PRESIDENT The Original Putties
PRESIDENT The Original Putties are kneadable, highly viscous tray materials that are ideal for pick-up impressions using the double mix technique or the corrective impression technique.
PRESIDENT The Original Putty captures all structures in the mouth extremely precisely thanks to its firm consistency.
PRESIDENT The Original Putty Soft is slightly softer in consistency and shows a remarkable resilience, especially in areas with strong undercuts.
PRESIDENT The Original Putty Super Soft has a similar viscosity to a heavy body and, like the Putty Soft, it is characterized by first-class resilience in highly undercut areas.
PRESIDENT The Original Putty captures all structures in the mouth extremely precisely thanks to its firm consistency.
PRESIDENT The Original Putty Soft is slightly softer in consistency and shows a remarkable resilience, especially in areas with strong undercuts.
PRESIDENT The Original Putty Super Soft has a similar viscosity to a heavy body and, like the Putty Soft, it is characterized by first-class resilience in highly undercut areas.
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