MIRIS2 Refills Effect Shades
Composite restorations can be additionally refined by the targeted use of MIRIS2 effect shades. Depending on the case and indication, restorations can be individually characterized with the four effect shades Blue, White, White Opaque and Gold. Even in challenging cases, the dentist is able to create aesthetically high-quality solutions.
Science Restoration
Here you may find the latest research findings and scientific information.


MIRIS2 composit - the concept - English - Dr. Monik Vasant
Dr. Monik Vasant explains the basis of the MIRIS 2 concept and gives insight to MIRIS2 backgrounds.

MIRIS2 - clinical cases - Dr. Monik Vasant
Dr. Monik Vasant shows and explains various MIRIS2 clinical cases from his own practice: pictures and explanations from diagnosis, treatment and wonderful, highly aesthetic results.
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