Bite Registration
Even better bite registration
Exceptional Handling, even faster setting and high end hardness ease daily work.
JET BLUE BITE bite registration material flows with a smooth whipped-cream consistency exactly where you want it in a predictable quantity and ideal ribbon pattern. It offers a fast oral setting-time and sets rock hard for greater accuracy but is still flexible enough for easy trimming or cutting. The superior handling characteristics are the key for a perfect occlusal fit on the first try.- Stays exactly where you want it
- No resistance to closure, no rebound!
- Rock hard for accuracy, yet flexible for easy trimming
Pick your ideal speed:
Jet Blue Bite fast/superfast is the newest generation of COLTENE bite registration material.
Flows smoothly– sets rock hard
Easy handling and ideal stability facilitate the bite registration. The dental technician appreciates how well the material can be formed and trimmed.
Jet Bite gives the perfect occlusal fit on the first try. The patient bites down naturally every time because of Jet Bite’s fluffy, mousse-like consistency. There is no need for time-consuming adjustments.