DIATECH Brilliant Dentistry Kit

del Dr. Paulo Monteiro
For preparation, finishing and polishing of composite restorations.
The medium, blue coded diamond burs are indicated for bulk reduction and removal of crude resin excesses. The red bud and round shaped burs are used to remove fine resin and composite excesses on the occlusal surface. For the delimitation of the angle lines of the anterior teeth it is recommended to use the red flame. Due to its needle shape and the extra fine grit, the 853 diamond is optimal for the conservative removal of resin excesses in the interproximal area. The carbide bur is used for the finishing of the occlusal surface of posterior teeth (ridges, crests and slopes). Prepolishing (purple) and high luster polishing (blue) is done with a two step silicone polisher system. The flames are used for hard to reach areas and the special spiral shaped polishers with flexible lamellas ("DIATECH ShapeGuard") are excellent for all other areas.

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BRILLIANT Dentistry Kit by Paulo Monteiro

Science Rotary Instruments

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Instructions For Use - DIATECH Diamond Instruments


Instructions For Use - DIATECH Diamond Instruments


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