Штифты и дрили

Fiber Posts
Versatile range of fiber posts and drills for aesthetic restorations
Fiber posts are a great alternative to metal posts for aesthetic, metal-free restorations. There are different types of fiber posts with compatible drills available for the Direct One-Practice-Visit Technique.

Metal Posts and Drills
Complete endodontic post system for all indications
ParaPost X is a universal endodontic post system for direct post and core buildups as well as all casting techniques. The standardized system of post and compatible drill consists of seven sizes including two intermediate sizes.

Casting Post Components
Prefabricated casting components for direct & indirect casting techniques
ParaPost X-System consists of passive cemented, cylindrical, prefabricated casting components for the direct and indirect casting techniques. The standardized system of posts with compatible drills is ideal for clinical situations requiring the additional strength of a precise, one-piece cast post/core, and the choice of alloy.