BRILLIANT Bulk Fill Flow

BRILLIANT Bulk Fill Flow is the ideal filling material for fast and easy restorations. Based on the BRILLIANT filler technology it is the perfect partner for BRILLIANT EverGlow and EverGlow Flow.
  • One adaptive Multi Shade material. The chameleon effect of BRILLIANT Bulk Fill Flow allows the Multi Shade material to adapt to a wide range of tooth shades.
  • 4mm reliable curing depth polymerized in 20 seconds. Increments up to 4 mm thickness are reliably cured in 20 sec (≥ 1000 mW/cm2). This feature combined with the surface wettability and flowability of the material offers time saving working steps.
  • No top layer needed due to high abrasion resistant properties. Thanks to high abrasion resistant properties, quality restorations are achieved in one efficient step since there is no need for a covering layer.

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Brochure - BRILLIANT Filling Materials


Brochure - BRILLIANT Filling Materials


Instructions For Use - BRILLIANT Bulk Fill Flow


Instructions For Use - BRILLIANT Bulk Fill Flow


Brochure - BRILLIANT Filling Materials


Brochure - BRILLIANT Filling Materials


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